In my last post I showed a couple photos of the garage addition cement slab and indicated the builders would be here to start the next phase of construction. That is, indeed, the major story of this past week.

The contractor is Bob’s Building Service, located here in Elma:

Garage addition contractor

The following photos show the various stages of the project to date:

Walls going up
More materials arriving

The lumber yard is about 10 blocks away by road so they are delivering materials by driving the forklift from the yard, on the streets, to our place. Only in small towns like this will you see forklifts delivering materials to a job site using city streets.

First rafter going in.
Rafters in place
Roof sheeting in progress
Addition as of Friday, July 24, 2020 from alley

Here is a link to a 9:51 minute video of some of the construction, including raising the rafters and putting up the roof sheeting:

Garage Addition

There is still much to do: installing doors, windows, siding, shingles, and other trim. Bob hopes to be pretty well done by the end of this upcoming week. As you can see, I took advantage of the construction to date to move the F-150 inside for the weekend. This is the first time the truck has been in a garage for a while!

While the garage addition has been the big news, it is not the only project underway at 702 Main. Pam finished painting the east porch screen door, exterior trim and stoop still need paint refreshed:

East porch door

We purchased a work of stained glass and hung it in the front door:

Stained glass hanging in front door

The new glass adds color to the entryway and is a very good addition to the house. The stairwell benefits from having some color at the bottom of the steps:

Stairwell with stained glass

Outside projects have taken up quite a bit of time. Pam has been trimming and cutting back some of the trees and shrubs while I mow the lawn. There was quite the [large] load of yard debris to take to the dump this week.

Large load for dump run

The time goes by quickly. Minor projects are tackled and finished. One project, a bit larger than some, involved my new toy: a used table saw.

I had been asking around about the availability of a used table saw, and had mentioned it at my recent motorcycle rally. One of the guys had an old Craftsman saw he was not using. He had inherited it from a friend who had relocated and didn’t want to take the saw with him. Would I want it?

I said yes and picked it up at his Aurora (suburb of Denver) home on my way back to Iowa. Last week I built a stand for it, complete with two casters on the rear legs so I can roll it around the garage as needed. Construction took a few hours but note the chrome handle on the stand:

“New” table saw and stand.

While I have a compound miter saw, the table saw allows me to rip wider pieces of wood down to narrower sizes as well as make accurate square cuts. I used the table saw to cut the pieces for the stand. Pam helped lift the saw onto the stand once the stand was completed.

So, it was another busy week at 702 Main. The garage addition will be the most expensive task undertaken; I look forward to having my stuff under cover and a place to work, particularly when winter hits.

Other projects vie for attention as well. Pam is already planning garden projects and transplanting to be done this fall before winter sets in. This week we relocated a bleeding heart plant that had been alongside the current garage and needed to be moved to allow construction to start. A dog ramp is in the early stages of construction. I contacted a wood working shop who indicated they can make the top and bottom railings for the porch and steps, to replace the rotted railings currently in place. Next Tuesday the F-150 goes in to have a blown exhaust gasket fixed. The list goes on, just like life.

Photo Archive

This week’s photos are from all over and not dated.

Pam’s cousin Cheri with Felicity
Pam’s sister Becky at a party
Pam and good friend and neighbor Elinor

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents

After the rush to complete stairwell projects while Himself was enjoying Colorado, I find myself slowing down in the intense heat and humidity of mid-summer. I did complete a patchwork-and-embroidery pillow cover I’ve been working on in the evenings. More painting needs to be done on various windows and doors, when I find the energy to do them.

Embroidered pillow

At 11:00 p.m. last night, a five month old tricolor tabby female kitten was crying in our yard, near the dog pen. She had been encircled by the catio cats, who were acting mean (the jerks). I brought the kitten inside and penned it, as is my rescue habit. I’m not personally on the lookout for another house cat, and Elle (short for Elma) is too friendly to remain outside. Unknown where Elle will end up: 1) Is she a neighbor’s kitten and if so, why was she wandering around at night and not spayed? 2) Felicity is in the market for a feline in October. 3) Perhaps my sister Becky might be interested in saving her sister from yet another inside cat? The Universe will direct me, I’m sure.

Elle the kitten

I thought I was doing pretty well up to this point, not having any additional animals “show up” during the last ten months. Silly me.

Happy Trails.