Labor Day weekend is over and it is time for a few updates. I attended another antique power show and Felicity posted some new videos of the home renovation near Lodi, New York. No major news, just a few updates, so lets get to them!

Over Labor Day weekend I attended the Rice County Antique Power Show near Dundas, Minnesota. Here I spoke to a couple of people about their collections and enjoyed the tractor parade. Since I have previously posted many photos taken at such events, here are only a few taken at this one.

Beautifully updated 1930s Buick sedan
Large Rumely steam engine
Few of the hundreds of tractors on display

I enjoyed the outing and viewing the “old iron.”

At different times I have mentioned the outside cats. Here is one of them, Cheeto, taking a nap on a chair located on our east porch.

Cheeto, an outside cat

Felicity and Peter’s work on the Lodi farmhouse continues. Here are a few photos she sent and links to a couple recent videos of the project. There is a lot going on! Occupancy should (hopefully) occur by the end of September or the first week of October.

Front of the house
New roof going on

Other than routine chores, it is a quiet time for us. Pam continues to do some detail painting on the porch and I cleaned the gutter over the east porch which was clogged with dirt to the point it was no longer draining, a job which included the use of the pressure washer. Acorn season has ended so a through raking of the lawn was in order so we can again walk without the feeling of striding over ball bearings. Sidewalks were edged and another leaf cleanup was completed. Pam baked our first apple pie of the season and it was delicious.

The next few weeks should be uneventful, but a Colorado trip is planned to see some color and winterize The Box. After that, Felicity and Peter have asked me to come to New York to help make some firewood and see the house. On the way there and back I will detour into Michigan and view a few homes Pam has identified as potentials. The traveling will be extensive by the end of October.

So that is it. Not major news, but life goes on with numerous tasks that take up our time and keep us busy.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Penny

Working on front porch. Working in garden.

Happy Trails!