I had never broken a bone until this past week. We had some freezing rain which covered the sidewalks in a thin layer of ice. On my way to the garage, while carrying a box, I slipped and fell. Now I am hurting.

The leg has two major bones, the Tibia, the main load-bearing bone, and the Fibula, which helps support the Tibia. In addition to suffering a very bad sprain, I cracked my left Fibula.

Now I am in one of those “walking boots” that are designed to keep the ankle in alignment courtesy of Dr. Maher at the Howard County Regional Health Center in Cresco.

Medical walking boot
Left leg in walking boot

Needless to say, this has made it very difficult (and painful) for me to move around much. Going up and down the stairs to my bedroom and upstairs bathroom has turned into a chore. Even getting a sock on the left foot has turned into a process, and I can work up a sweat trying to get dressed In the morning. No fun at all.

Prognosis is that I will heal in around 6 weeks, but given my age and medical history it could be longer. Old folks don’t heal as fast as younger people.

That is the main story for this week, but there are a few other updates. Grayce is getting acclimatized to her new home and the cats are beginning to inch closer to her when she takes a nap. The integration process continues. Oldest dog, Bru, is not excited about the newcomer as I think the rapid movements startle her as her vision and hearing are going. JoJo just seems to be amused.

I made a below-the-surface change to my blog page, changing the company that hosts it. I was using iPage but their prices kept going up. That would be OK if the blog was an e-commerce site or otherwise making money, but for a basic family newsletter it was getting out of hand. I am now using Bluehost, not quite as polished in their hosting service, but a lot more affordable. iPage was up to $257.00 per year and Bluehost is $178.00 for three years.

The change-over did not go all that smoothly, but eventually all functions were returned to normal. This is my first post using Bluehost and I trust all will go well! However, if you notice any problems, please let me know.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Weekly humor corner: