Well, the Honda is finally dying of transmission wear. This last week a check engine light came on while Pam was driving to the doggie-daycare to pick up one of the dogs, Auburn Jo. The error code indicates the transmission is suffering from mechanical wear, probably a worn pump. When cold the transmission is reluctant to shift from 1st gear to 2nd gear and the engine revs up during the shift. The Honda is an Accord model, 2001 and recently rolled over 381,600 miles.
So, while the Honda is still drivable with care (I cleared the check engine light with my code reader), Pam no longer trusts it for daily commuting or long drives. This has kicked off a search for a used vehicle to serve as our daily driver. The Honda would be a back-up emergency ride. Right now we have switched over to using the truck for daily commutes but at 15 – 16 mpg it is expensive to run. Luckily gas prices are low this time of year.
We have decided a small wagon may be the way to go (dog transport, hauling stuff to Sanderling and back, etc.). The main contenders are a 2005 or newer Honda CR-V or a 2006 or newer Toyota RAV4. Both manufacturers made substantial updates in those model years and the vehicles are more reliable than the older generations. (We checked with our local mechanic for this opinion.)
We bought the Honda Accord back in 2004 and it has been so nice not to have a car payment for many years. It is with some reluctance that we are shopping; I had hoped to get another year of service out of the Accord and build up our house down payment fund. The fund will have to take a hit, or at least not grow, as we don’t want to carry a car loan very long. We do hope we get as long a service life out of a new vehicle as we have out of the Honda.
Neither of these small wagons are available (used) locally, or not at this moment anyway, as small used wagons that can handle driving in snow are quite popular out here. We will probably have to go to either Denver or Salt Lake City to look at a few cars. (The distance – a four hour drive one direction – is about the same either way.) Denver has an advantage in that Pam’s credit union, located in Boulder on the Front Range, is already tied into a financing network that includes the Denver metro used car dealerships so financing would be easier. However, it appears the Salt Lake City area has an edge in pricing.
Since we do have transportation (the Ford F-150) we can take a few weeks to find and buy a vehicle. Merry Christmas to us. More on this as we start to get serious about a particular vehicle in the upcoming days and weeks.
Our sympathies to those in the Midwest who were hammered with last week’s snow storm. The storm came out of Colorado but we didn’t get much out of it here on the western side of the state; Denver got hit and southern parts of the state picked up quite a bit. The high country picked up enough snow to enable several ski areas to open earlier than planned although travel was somewhat dicey until the road crews were able to get out in force. I-70 west of Denver was closed several times over the last few days due to bad conditions. Our snow melted in less than 24 hours and, although night time temps have dropped into the teens, daytime temps have been in the upper 30s and low 40s, enough to make driving pretty routine.
Routine – it has been a pretty routine week. Leaf season is about over although our Cottonwood tree stubbornly clings to some remaining leaves. I was out-and-about yesterday working on the lawn and I see I will need to do some work again this morning, but this may be the last of it until next spring.
To all who read this, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!
Pam’s Two Cents Worth:
On my list of things I hate to do, car shopping falls somewhere above dental work and somewhere below going into labor. Used car salesmen – ugh. And the thing about malfunctioning cars – they always act up when I’m driving and have the potential to get stuck in traffic. What.is.that?
I purchased a guitar book of Christmas songs. Sadly, my 15-chord repertoire lacks somewhat when playing songs written in minors. (Really – five fingers needed for Bm7 or F#m7? Not going to happen.) However, I can play rock and roll-based songs pretty well (Little Saint Nick, Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree, Santa Baby). I struggle along.
Happy Trails.
‘looks like the CR-V has the edge in mileage & “touring comfort”. I’ve no idea of maintenance history, though I’m sure there’s a record of common issues/repairs somewhere.
The “key” to difficult chords is to determine what part(s) of the chord are the most necessary, especially for the song being played.
i.e. What makes a Bm or F#m and the 7th significant within each song, and what are the minimum number of strings to press to get that “sound”. Sometimes only a soft strum on lower strings, sometimes a back-pick on the 7th.
Realistically, every chord can be “abbreviated”, though it’s much easier w/finger picking — ‘have to be precise using a pick (rather than just “chord strumming”)…
The Kia Sportage has been getting good reviews lately as well…
Stay away from the newCVT transmission…2015 CR-V’s are all this way, getting lots of bad reviews!!
well, bummer about the ol honda…though she did give you a good run! i’m hoping my pilot becomes dessa’s first car in a few years!
i have a friend with a rav4 and she really likes it. i also know some people with ford edge’s that are happy as well.
what about those honda’s that you can hose down the inside?? blanking the name..they were boxy but back in my dog days friends had them and liked the clean up factor.
house shopping
car shopping
oh, the good times!
lol on the between labor and dental work. i like the car shopping–i just hate the actual car buying process!
i just bought dessa a guitar today on an amazon lightening deal! she’s taking lessons in and after school program and it’ll be cheaper to buy one than rent one after a few months…i’m hoping she can teach me what she learns–i’ve always wanted to play.
your chord talk has me completely lost however!!
i do know, of many instruments i have heard and dess has already played–the guitar is the most pleasant to listen to a beginner practice! 🙂
ps–happy thanksgiving eve!!
Loathe car problems.
Detest a car payment.
LOVED the “pie card” and sent a response there.
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Did Pam get my reply to finding cars on Craig’s List..That’s where we buy everything!!!!!
Thank you for the Thanksgiving card. I really enjoy reading your blogs. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and have a great Christmas!!!
Need guitar video!!!!!!!!!