The Pam and Jerry Fields' Blog Page


We looked at a property, were discussing a bid, then learned we had already lost out. Here is how our last house hunt went.

Pam had seen a listing for a property that came out on Monday, April 25th.  Address was 1335 SE 3rd Street in Cedaredge. We contacted our realtor and made an appointment to view the house on Friday, April 29. Knowing the listing was highly desirable (stream! and moderate price!), we tried to view the house earlier in the week after work, but the realtor is also a mom and had after-school activities on her calendar.

Lest we had forgotten, the high country is still locked in winter. Here is a shot of us crossing Grand Mesa on our way to the Friday appointment in Cedaredge.

Crossing Grand Mesa on Friday, April 29

Crossing Grand Mesa on Friday, April 29

The greyness in the photo is falling snow, enough to accumulate a couple inches by the time we made the return trip.

The house was in a tidy and upscale neighborhood, 3 bedrooms with frontage on Surface Creek, sitting on a 1/2 acre lot. We found the house very attractive both inside and out but needing some cosmetic updating and cleaning, particularly in the yard. Here are a few photos I took of the visit.

Pam views Surface Creek frontage

Pam views Surface Creek frontage

Living room featured cathedral ceiling and fireplace

Living room featured cathedral ceiling and fireplace

Back yard needed cleaning and pruning

Back yard needed cleaning and pruning

South West style home with attached 2-car garage and paved driveway

South West style home with attached 2-car garage and paved driveway

We were impressed enough to start the process of offering a bid. While discussing our strategy in the kitchen of the home, the realtor received a phone call; another offer, better than ours could ever be, had already been placed! The other offer was for nearly full price, cash, no contingencies, and close in 14 days. We can’t compete with that.

Considering the number of months over the winter we have been house hunting, getting beat out before we even hardly started was a bit hard to take. While not the perfect property, Pam and I agreed this place had 80 percent of our wish list items and we could have been comfortable there. Eventually I would have wanted an additional detached garage, but just about all other projects would have been cosmetic in nature, not structural.

So, for the moment at least, we are in down moods. We thought we would have a pretty good shot at this one. Unless the offer does not go through (highly unlikely) we are out of luck. Bummer.

I guess the search will go on but our enthusiasm is kind of at a low ebb today.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

House hunting is a game, and we don’t have enough money to play it well. In the end, getting what you want involves timing, yes, but mostly money.

Happy Trails.

1 Comment

  1. Tabitha

    I got behind!
    You guys have been busy

    Well, darn it anyhow!
    Just tell yourself it wasn’t meant to be…something out there has more than 80% of what you want…

    the snow
    yuck–that was a sign I think!

    and the last houses–where do you even get coal to heat a house these days?

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