The Pam and Jerry Fields' Blog Page

More Computer Woes

Well, the Mac G4 that I was using as a substitute for my defunct Mac G5 also died. No power light comes on when you press the power button and nothing else happens either. So I dug out my even older Mac G3 (1999 vintage) and am using that to compose this post. A replacement for the G5 has not arrived yet. The replacement is slightly newer and a bit faster than the G5 that died; I am hoping I can swap my drives into the new unit and be up and running without a lot of hassle.

No news on house hunting; Pam looked at a few properties on-line but nothing shouts “buy me” or even “take a look” so activity on that project has been pretty low.

I did take my ATV out on Wild Horse Mesa yesterday and found several varieties of wildflowers are blooming, including some cacti.

Cactus blooming, Wild Horse Mesa, May 16, 2016

Cactus blooming, Wild Horse Mesa, May 16, 2016

Here is a shot of the ATV on Wild Horse Mesa:

ATV "The Griz" on Wild Horse Mesa

ATV “The Griz” on Wild Horse Mesa

Otherwise it has been a story of spring chores; mowing the lawn, weeding, getting out sprinklers, getting the swamp cooler ready for summer use.

The Honda goes in for its transmission  transplant tomorrow; work should be done same-day so I can drive it home tomorrow night. The Toyota RAV works well for transporting the dogs and the all-wheel drive is nice for winter driving, but the Honda does get better fuel mileage and is more comfortable so I’ll be glad to have it back in full service.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

House Hunting 101 lesson learned this week is – For Sale By Owner houses are out.  We would end up paying the realtor commission, even if I locate the listing.

Happy Trails.

1 Comment

  1. Tabitha

    ooh, pretty flowers!
    and darn about the computers! thankfully you’re good with such things–I am not! my ol desktop is starting to head downhill so it won’t be long and i’ll have to invest in something else. sigh. hate switching everything over!
    glad the Honda is getting all fixed up! hope it all went well with the transplant 🙂

    how do you have to pay realtor commission? to whom? that makes no sense!

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