This post covers events of May 21, 22,and 23: I pulled the chipper and The Box (two trips) up to The Lot on Sanderling Court. Snow was a factor, as you will see.

The first trip, with the chipper, was a day trip on Sunday, May 21st. Taking the chipper would get it to The Lot, first, so I could get The Box set up OK on the second trip.

I stopped in Frisco with the chipper on the Sunday trip. The town of Frisco has a small rest area which is a frequent stop on the way to The Lot. You can tell by the snow  that winter is not over yet.

Chipper at the Frisco rest area, May 21st

The Lot, however, was clear of snow on Sunday, and in the middle of an early spring that comes this time of year to 9,600 feet elevation.

The Lot’s driveway on May 21st

On Monday I towed The Box up to The Lot and set it up for the summer. When I went to bed it was Spring. Overnight it snowed:

Tuesday morning snow, May 23rd

I was not expecting the white stuff but it did make for some interesting photos.

Flag flying agains the late spring snow

Spring aspen leaves capped with fresh snow

The flag holder is new this year. Also new is a better way to add water to The Box’s water tank. In the past I had to use a funnel and pour water into the tank one gallon at a time. This year I bought a 12-volt RV water pump, made up a long power cord that plugs into the truck’s power socket, and added a couple food-grade hoses. The result was a water transfer system that made it much easier to get water into the tank. When dealing with around 46 gallons, still pumped by hand, anything that makes this chore easier is appreciated!

New water transfer system is an improvement over hand-pouring

It was a long and busy three days getting both chipper and RV to the high country, but worth the effort. The Box is set up and has a full tank of fresh water and the chipper is on The Lot where we can begin using it in the clean up effort. The fresh snow proved to be more of a visual delight than a hinderance (it was mostly gone by lunch on Tuesday) and I had a good time walking around The Lot taking pictures and enjoying the sight of the snow-capped  mountains around South Park.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

Our youngest dog, Jo, ended up in the local paper. Our dog grooming place (in Glenwood Springs) was the subject of a write-up for Best Local Groomer, and Jo happened to be on the grooming table when photos were taken for the article. Here is Jo being groomed by Nancy (AKA Aunt Nan):

“Celebrity” Auburn Jo in local paper

Sanderling Season is about to happen.  Bro Craig called – he and his wife Dianne have arrived in Colorado Springs already.  We will rendezvous at Sanderling this Friday. Let the Summer begin!

Happy Trails.