I have a few loose ends, left over from the last few posts, that I need to address and update.

House Hunt:

The “Grandma house” I noted in a recent post has, we assume, been sold as it is off the market. Not that we were seriously considering making an offer but it did have a certain attraction and we hope the new owners clean up the place and make it tidy.

We never did hear anything more concerning the Chu Chu Lane house that we made the offer on, but it also appears to be off the market as it no longer shows up in the realtor listings.

The Lot:

The load of firewood I brought home has been cut and stacked along our driveway and we are waiting for our friend Kathy to come and pick it up. Until then the fresh-cut wood smell is nice to have around.

Most recent firewood

Most recent firewood

Foster cats:

Two of the four kittens have had their neuter operations and we are waiting for the others to get mature enough to handle the operation. Pam has re-arranged the cat room to give the kittens more play room, which they certainly seem to enjoy. Mom Juliana is also still with us, successfully spayed — the three altered cats are waiting for room at the shelter to open up. (The remaining two male kittens have testicles that did not descend, so we wait to see if Mother Nature will assist in that regard.)

Wheeler Lake:

I have created a Gallery for the Wheeler Lake ATV trip; take a look! The gallery includes a 5:04 video that features overdubbing. I knew the wind was going to make for an unusable audio track so I am trying out a Yetti Blue microphone to do the overdub. This is my first attempt and I find the lack of background noise a bit odd but at least the sound track is quite audible.

New Stuff:

This weekend will be quite busy, with a trip planned to The Lot to pack up The Box in preparation of bringing it home the first week of October. (I have scheduled some time off for this task.) The “color” in high country aspen leaves should be at max this weekend and we hope to enjoy viewing the fall colors. Forecast high for the area is 52 with nighttime temps getting to the freezing point. Its time to shut down for this year.

Weekend plans include driving by some potential retirement properties near the towns of Fairplay, Lake George, Florissant and Divide. We have not driven through this area much since we found Sanderling four years ago – it’s a four-hour distance from De Beque. However, a property search turned up several “potentials” that might be of interest. Per our regular routine, we will drive by the properties and if a property looks interesting enough we will contact a realtor for an in-house tour. No reason we can’t also enjoy the fall colors along the way!

In other news, I attended the Sheriff’s Office annual Appreciation Dinner last Saturday, an event which kept us home for the weekend. Attendance is as much political as social but I did win a $25.00 gift card from Target.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

I’m looking forward to seeing the fall colors at Sanderling; I missed them last year with my bursitis acting up then.  Blondie will need her doggie coat with temps near freezing – b-r-r-r. I also am interested in seeing what the housing search turns up.  My main complaint of house hunting in the Montrose area is plenty of irrigation water but no trees around the houses. The irrigation is used to keep the pastures green.  Not exactly what we are looking for.  Prices are super high in the Montrose market as well.  I have been quite disappointed.

Happy Trails.