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The Pam and Jerry Fields' Blog Page

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A Quick Post

Spring yard work has commenced. Friday Pam removed the mulch from our back-yard flower bed; yesterday we did the three front-yard beds and raked the lawn. The old mulch and leaves were hauled down to the “organic material” drop off area supplied by the city. I have a large plastic bin that I strap down to the front rack on the ATV and use that set up to haul the old mulch; this gives the job a combination of work and play. The yard does look better, neater at least, and opens the beds to the upcoming rain that is in the forecast. Iris plants, as well as tulips, are up and the white lilac is budding out. I may have to mow some lawn within the next two weeks. I guess spring has arrived!

At Pam’s request I dug out the chain saw and removed a dying low-hanging branch from our cottonwood tree. Cottonwood trees are not long-lived and this one is showing signs of age. A few branches here and there should be removed but it would take a man-lift or cherry picker to get to them; we haven’t elected to spend the money to get this work done. Most of the tree is still green and we’re betting on no major branches deciding to fall off in any upcoming storms.

I added a couple more shelves to the garage stereo cabinet and tried mounting the larger 10.5 inch tape reels to see if they would fit. (The smaller 7 inch reels were no problem.) The larger tapes fit with just a bit of room to spare.

10.5 inch reels just fit in cabinet

10.5 inch reels just fit in cabinet

It is nice to have tunes while working in the garage and I do enjoy renovating this “old-school” stuff.

We’re looking forward to our road trip (Wednesday) to look at the insides of a few houses we have identified as potential retirement homes. The houses range from small fixer-uppers to move-in ready places. It will be some months before we’re ready to choose a house (still putting together a down payment), but it’s important to look at a variety of places so we can help define just what we are looking for. There are always intangibles such as the “flow” of a house, neighborhood, updates needed, maintenance requirements, and yard condition. Photos from a listing will only take you so far. My next post will have more details of these visits and, I hope, several photos along with our reactions to the various properties.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

How boring is it to have to house hunt while factoring in main floor bedroom/bath/laundry to accommodate aging? Very boring, but, an excess of steps could make a person captive in one’s own home.  Lately I’ve also been following the line of thought, if Fields pre-deceases me, can I physically maintain a big and complicated yard? Or even afford a more sizable house payment on a reduced one-person retirement income? Not to mention looking at proximity to services (grocery and medical mainly). Felicity agrees she would be happy not to think of me having to haul an inert Fields on a tarp down to somewhere I could access a vehicle and haul him to hospital. (I think she’s probably thinking about the Sanderling set-up.) These are the insidious ways aging creeps into one’s lifestyle.  Hate it. Have to pay attention to it.

Happy Trails.


Garage Stereo and “Stuff”

Today’s post will be about “stuff” that has gone on over the last week. Some of it is interesting, some less so, but here is what has occupied our non-working hours this past week.

Weather: It is getting warmer. Much of our yard ice (but not all) has melted and tulips are up. So are a couple of dandelions. Unless these events are harbingers of an early spring, the good weather will be interrupted with more snow and storms. All last week the daytime temps were well above average, sometimes by as much as 17 degrees. While appreciating the improved conditions, we are waiting for the other shoe to drop; March is notorious for bad storms in this part of Colorado.

Garage: I spent several hours revamping my garage storage to make room for an equipment rack to house my garage stereo components. This project entailed moving a lot of stuff around – I had pretty well gotten used to the  existing  layout. However, I wanted to add some protection from dust and dirt for the stereo system.

Here is the cabinet installed but with the door closed:

Equipment rack - door closed

Equipment rack – door closed

Open the door and – voila! – my stereo system.

Stereo components in cabinet

Stereo components in cabinet

The rack was a surplus item that received no bids when my business  tried to auction it off – it’s not a standard rack for network gear. It had originally housed a video recording system. I offered to take it home and was given permission to do so. Putting in the shelves involved some alterations to the shelves, time consuming but eventually successful. I can now close the door to help keep dust, dirt, and cat hair off the components.

House Hunt: We took a drive to Montrose and viewed a few more houses. One in particular looked like a possibility; no trees but a 3-car garage, 4 bedrooms, a basement, brick exterior, and a view over a valley and down to the San Juan mountains.

Shavano Valley home

Shavano Valley home

Not quite what we expected; cactus around the place and access through what appeared to be the neighbor’s yard. Literally. The yard had a hog pen (with hogs in it) and equipment on one side of the drive and the house and more junk on the other. The drive was not in real good shape either, with mud and potholes a-plenty. While the house might have been OK, the “unusual” access put this one off our list.

We drove by a couple other houses during this trip, including an in-town four square from 1904 that still has all the original woodwork. Nice place on a corner lot with trees and a 2-car garage behind, but we’re not sure we want to be that close to the neighbors and traffic. Being a block away from the local hospital would have some advantages, but also result in a lot of noise. If we could just find one of these historic homes on acreage with trees!

In about 10 days we will be taking some time off during the week to meet a realtor and arrange to see the inside of a couple of Montrose houses including the Trading Post and the Tulip Circle homes I mentioned in a previous post.  And…an offshoot… there is an old potato warehouse for sale that we may investigate. A warehouse could provide storage and a work area for all my toys if we can’t find anything that has a detached garage or a place to put one. It would be kind of funky (and possibly too expensive) but I’m considering whatever options may present themselves.

So…weekends are busy for us between looking at homes and working at projects. Not terribly exciting, though. But of course there is always the presidential race to provide a range of emotional reactions. While I try to stay away from most political talk in this blog, it it clear that there will be two radically different people up for election this fall regardless of who the parties choose as their candidate.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

Does anybody else have a problem with driving through a low-life ramshackle neighbor’s yard to access a $300,000 house? Why would we pay taxes on acreage covered with cacti when we intend to have dogs and cats roaming the property? And these important items are not mentioned in the listing – marketing, ha!

Sometimes house hunting is a drag.

Happy Trails.



Leap Day

Leap Day – well, not until Monday, but I needed a lead-in title. Hope everyone enjoys the “once in 4, one day more”  event.

This weekend has been quiet for us; no house-hunting trips or other interesting news. Later today we tackle tax return preparation so I am doing the post now as I will be grumpy later on.

The weather has warmed up the ground enough that we decided to take Soot the cat out of his styrofoam coffin in the snowbank, where he has remained frozen since he died in late December, and bury him near the garage. Burying a pet is always a sad event but Soot is now in his native sod.

Saturday was grocery shopping day and I cashed in our “fuel reward points” that totaled $.90 cents per gallon discount. (The maximum is $1.00 but resets to zero every 1st of the month.) This means I bought gas for $.73 cents per gallon for the maximum-allowed 35 gallons.

Gasoline at $.73 cents per gallon

Gasoline at $.73 cents per gallon

After hitting very low levels (around $1.50) the price of fuel has begun to rise, going up $.12 per gallon this past week. I was hoping fuel prices would stay low over the summer when we do most of our driving, including our 400 mile round trips to The Lot (often with the F-150). Since our daily commute is about 110 miles we buy a lot of gasoline and discounts like this are big for us. Last year the store ran “double fuel points” if you bought groceries on specific days during the summer and I hope they have a similar promotion this year. It certainly helps the budget!

In other auto-related news, Glenwood Canyon (east of Glenwood Springs where Pam and I both work) had a rockfall of huge boulders falling off the upper rim that closed I-70 for almost a full week. The “alternate route” was about 140 miles around the closure. (There are few alternate routes through the Rockies in this part of the state.) Now open for one lane of traffic both east-and-west-bound at reduced speeds (25 mph), the extended closure didn’t have much immediate effect on us. It did, however, impact co-workers who had to commute west to get into town and east to get home. There will be periodic closures of the Canyon to allow for the movement of heavy equipment and construction gear and this will continue for many months until all the damage has been repaired and future instability mitigated. As this is also our most direct route to Sanderling, periodic closures going forward may impact our Spring/early Summer trips into the high country.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

(Pam says she had no $.02 this time.)

Weather and Houses

Two topics this time…weather and house hunt.

We have been enjoying a streak of warmer-than-normal temperatures with daytimes getting up into the low 50 degree range. (Nights are still below freezing.) As a result, a lot of snow has melted except for places perennially in the shade. Even there the level has fallen quite a bit. Our columbine plants, and some of the hollyhocks, are looking a little green around their bases. Can spring be far away? However, there is a chance of snow forecast for this Tuesday and March is often a heavy snow month for western Colorado. As much as we would wish for spring to arrive, it is still many weeks away.

The dogs are enjoying the warmer weather. Pam puts the doggie hammocks on the south side of the garage so the dogs can sit in the sun and not be on the still-cold ground. Here is a photo of Blondie and Jo taking advantage of the sun (Bru prefers the sofa indoors!):

Jo and Blondie enjoy a warm day

Jo and Blondie enjoy a warm February day

I took advantage of a sunny day by taking my ATV on a run in the Wild Horse Mesa area. The warmth has produced a lot of melt but some of the back roads are still snow-covered. I appreciate the warming weather and hope it continues for a while.

President's Day ride in Wild Horse Mesa

President’s Day ride, Wild Horse Mesa

The other project that’s taking up some of our energy is our continuing retirement house hunt. Yesterday we took yet-another trip to the Montrose area to look at a number of properties Pam had reviewed on-line. Two of the 13 properties appealed to us — but — are above our target price range. The first is a newer house on a large level lot (1+ acres) in a subdivision near town. This place would need some outside work, primarily repainting + replacement of some window trim + extensive yard cleaning and fencing, but it was nice enough that we will likely contact a realtor and schedule a visit to see the inside. Not many places get that far! An elderly neighbor (79 years old) saw us looking the place over and came by to talk about the house and the area in general. He mentioned the foreclosed house had a full underground sprinkler system and the yard, when maintained, was gorgeous. (The place has been empty for more than a year and is bank owned, with the price slowly going down.) We appreciated him sharing his perspective; always enlightening to talk to the neighbors.

Here is Pam on the front porch of the foreclosure house:

Tulip Circle house

20391 Tulip Circle house

Both this house, and the second one that caught our eye, are in upscale neighborhoods where houses look well maintained and there is no junk around them. (Junky neighbors was a big issue in the Pea Green Corner house hunt last weekend.)

The second place is more historic in nature, built in 1887 or so. It is known as the Montrose Trading Post. Located on 1.16 acres (63562 Lake Shore Drive), the yard has enormous cottonwood trees and an irrigation pond with water flowing to-and-through it. Gorgeous in the summer and attractive all year round. Drawbacks are a lot of steps and a 300+K price tag. However, the property really appealed to us for both the appearance and history.

Trading Post has a pond

Trading Post has a pond and trees

A later addition includes a two-car garage with a room above for storage or living space.

Garage addition

Garage addition

The kitchen is lacking continuous counter space but has charm.

Trading Post kitchen

Trading Post kitchen (Realtor photo)

For all the realtor photos go to this listing.

The property needs  some work, particularly the driveway, fence lines, and tree maintenance. It appears by the listing that internal systems (electrical, heating, etc.) have been addressed in recent renovations. With the pond, flowing water, and history of the place, and being only 10 minutes from downtown Montrose, this location really appeals to us. Again, there’s a high possibility we will schedule an appointment to view the inside and see how many steps there are; it looks like the bedrooms are all upstairs and there is a small finished basement, both requiring going up and down steps frequently, maybe not the best layout for a retirement home. Still, this place has captured our imaginations and we will follow up in the weeks ahead.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

It has become clear to me that our current target price range in this retirement house hunt will basically buy us a double wide on property with few trees.  Been there, done that. If we bump our target price up $50,000-$75,000 we start seeing the types of homes we have in mind.  This is the reality of house hunting in Colorado, a very expensive housing market. In most cases, my dream of enjoying a property with a pond is just that – a dream. (Hence my fascination with the Lake Shore Drive/Trading Post property.)

Lest y’all be concerned we are getting in over our heads, retirement for us will actually be semi-retirement for many years after leaving full time work.  It will be necessary for us to bring in, between us, enough money with part time work to pay the mortgage payment + taxes, essentially taking that item out of the monthly budget for practical purposes.  This we realize.  So, any mortgage payment we assume must fit into those parameters.

More “interesting” is the timing dynamic and monetary outflow after we find and purchase the retirement home and while we are trying to unload the current place in De Beque.  Our goal is to get out of here without having to pay the bank anything at closing – in other words, take a significant loss for the 10 years we’ve lived here, zero out, and walk away.  That’s what the housing market has done in this location, unlike most of the rest of the state.

Should be exciting.  Stay tuned.

Happy Trails.

Super Bowl and House Hunting


The Broncos, underdogs in the pre-game talk shows, pulled it out with a defense the Panthers could not stop. The Denver defense scored the first touchdown on a fumble recovered in Carolina’s end zone, sacked Cam Newton 6 times, and set up the final Bronco touchdown by forcing and recovering another fumble near the Carolina goal line late in the 4th quarter. The Denver offense, under Peyton Manning, managed a meager 194 total yards, a couple field goals, and one 4-yard touchdown.

Broncos celebrate Super Bowl 50 win

Broncos celebrate Super Bowl 50 win (Denver Post photo)

It remains to be seen if Manning will retire after this season. For now, football is over and we will move on to other things. It was a good season and I’m glad the Broncos were able to take home the Lombardi Trophy.

Last Saturday Pam put together a list of 10 properties to look at, and of-f-f-f we went. A couple listings turned out to be off-pavement (boo!) so we dropped those from consideration. We stopped and walked around only two of the remaining listings.  One place was newer and, as a ranch-style house, had fewer steps to navigate which is a factor we are considering in a retirement house. It was on acreage, but there were no trees around the place to provide shade and the house would have been sun-bleached in the hot high country summers. Both of us would rather have a place with some shady, mature trees around.

House on G61 road - no trees

House on G61 road – no trees (Realtor photo)

The second house had trees and a shed (no garage), but was a tri-level with steps everywhere, including into a sunken living room and laundry room. While attractive in some ways, the number of steps, which would have to see daily use, would be too much for a couple of old people. We are not ruling out homes with steps or stairs, but the main living locations — including kitchen, laundry + at least one bedroom — will need to be on a single level. Basements and 2nd stories, which would see occasional use, would be fine, even desirable. The search continues.

House on 5500 road - lots of steps

House on 5500 road – lots of steps (Realtor photo)

We did find another of those history quirks that abound out here. We went by a place called The Pea Green Store. Researching (later, at home), we found there used to be a small crossroads town named Pea Green in this location, back in the 1880s. The name came from the color the community painted the original local school. Current maps show the place as Pea Green Corner. The school still stands and is now a private residence. From the historical account it sounds like the town was little more than a watering hole for local ranchers and cattlemen, and a fairly raucus one at that.

We enjoyed getting out; the day was sunny and temps were above freezing for the first time in many days. While we didn’t find “the one,” we had an interesting time looking at places and driving through areas we have not previously visited. The hunt will continue, and may expand to building lots as well as houses. While we really don’t want to build a retirement residence, a few lots have come on the market that have trees and one listing claims to include a pond, something Pam would really like. We may include a few lots in our drive by next weekend.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

My game plan for the next field trip will be criss-crossing the area around Pea Green Corner, casing the local roads and getting a feel for house prices in that location. Many of you would not be surprised to know this area has a definite Midwest farm country feel.  Even to the point of old car collections out in the open – Fields didn’t mention there is a quite extensive old car “junk yard” in that area I’m sure he has his eye on.

Happy trails.

Sports, Politics, History, and Weather

Since our outdoor activity is limited at this time of year, I’m going to touch on a variety of other subjects this post.


The Denver Broncos are in the Super Bowl, to be played next Sunday. They will face the Carolina Panthers. How will the Broncos do? It depends on what team shows up…the dominant defense and the well-executing offense, or the team that won two early games without an offensive touchdown. I guess we’ll just have to see.


Go Broncos!

Go Broncos!


The primary season begins tomorrow with the first votes taken in the Iowa caucuses. Pam and I are registered Independent voters which, in Colorado, means we cannot vote in either the Republican or Democratic primaries – you have to be a registered member of the party to vote in the primary. Leaning more liberal, the Democratic Clinton / Sanders side appeals to us more than the  Republican Trump / Cruz philosophy. The next few months should be interesting.

Family history:

Going back through some photos  came across this family shot:

Felicity, Toby. Pam and Jerry on June 22, 2008

Felicity, Toby. Pam and Jerry on June 22, 2008

We don’t have many family group photos and nothing very recent. Since this photo was taken (at our home in De Beque) Toby has moved to Indiana and Felicity is currently in Portland, Oregon. It’s been a while since the family has been in one place at the same time.


The past few days have been warmer than average for this time of year, which resulted in  snow melt. However, supposedly there’s a big storm on the way. The forecast for the next 72 hours includes the possibility of 7 to 11 inches of new snow beginning tonight. Temperatures will fall to below normal levels which means the entire week will be on the cold side. Pam says she’s ready for winter to be over (except for the skunks)!

Otherwise it has been a mostly routine week here. I put new license plates on the RAV4; this required a trip to the Motor Vehicle Department office in Grand Junction to pay the license fee. At work I received notice my pay will be going up 2% — but — Pam’s take-home income will go down (due to increased insurance plan costs). One step forward, two steps back…

Due to weather conditions we haven’t been able to house hunt last weekend or this weekend, so no news to report on that project. Pam continues to monitor the For Sale listings and when we do get a decent weekend there will be a list of properties to drive by and preview.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

I feel as if I’m in “Seven Brides For Seven Brothers,” the part where everyone is snowbound until the pass opens at the end of winter.

Happy Trails.


January Snows

I have a few small things to comment on this time around even though this time of year is generally pretty quiet for us.

We’ve had a couple snowstorms; nothing major (like the East Coast and snow in feet, not inches) but enough for me to use the blower and garden tractor to clear the drive and sidewalks. Photos featured below were taken this past Tuesday, January 19th:

January 19th snow

January 19th snow

Driveway after removing snow

Driveway after removing snow

"Artsy" shot of our chain link fence

“Artsy” shot of our chain link fence

The snow was quite heavy; we received about 3 inches or so and it would’ve made a good snow fort or snow-people. More white stuff is in the forecast for this weekend but daytime temps are getting into the upper 30’s so the snow should not stick around long (except on the lawn in shady places).

I had to replace a tire on the John Deere garden tractor; it’s had a slow leak for some time and finally gave up the ghost. The tractor is a ’93 model and the tire was original; 23 years is a pretty good service life for a tire.

January 10th saw me driving to Park County to check on The Lot and the storage shed. Snow rules the high country this time of year, but I spent some time walking around Sanderling and taking a few photos.

Driveway and shed, january 10th

Driveway and shed, January 10th

The Nook area

The Nook

On the way home I stopped in Blue River (near Breckenridge) and took this mountain scenic:

Mountains near Breckenridge

Mountains near Breckenridge

I find myself humming “Muriah” (from Paint Your Wagon) every time I see the snow blowing around the mountain tops.

From time to time small things just make me smile. A few days ago Pam and I were trying to find a term for a group of skunks; Pam came up with “a stink of skunks” which made me laugh. And, very infrequently, advertising copy catches my eye. While shopping for shampoo I had picked up a bottle of Prell, inexpensive and it does the job. However, right next to the Prell was a display of Old Spice products so I picked up a bottle and enjoyed the ad copy on the back: “The strength of a redwood and the mystic scent of mint in TIMBER is power for your hair, soul, and jet-powered chainsaw if you happen to use one.” “Directions: Wet hair, lather, rinse, and get on with your day.” The Old Spice is now sitting in our bathroom.

The Denver Broncos play the New England Patriots tomorrow in the divisional playoff game; the winner goes to the Super Bowl. I have my doubts about the Broncos getting that far but we will see! Watching Peyton Manning in the twilight of his career can be an exercise in fan frustration.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

And we wouldn’t be talking about skunks at all, except I smelled one in the neighborhood already this week.  Apparently the nine skunks that were trapped and relocated out of this part of town last summer were not all of them. (?)  I was anticipating the Spring warmup, now I wonder. Note to self: stock up on Nature’s Miracle Skunk Odor Remover…

We did load up the dogs and drive by about seven properties in Delta, CO last Sunday.  Delta is aptly named, as it sits at the juncture of the Gunnison and Uncompahgre Rivers.  Irrigation water is plentiful there (unusual for Colorado). Pondering what we could do with a “farmette-sized” acreage in that location – how about a seasonal pumpkin patch + small Christmas tree farm? Possibilities abound.

Happy Trails.

2015 In Review

The year 2015 has passed; this is a recap of the year for Pam and myself. Rather than a month-by-month recital, here are various topics and projects that highlighted the year.

The Kids:

Felicity, currently in Belize, spend much of the year in England house-sitting and working at her new job with a South Carolina-based internet company. Her job is to help businesses use social media to best advantage. It is a job she enjoys and can perform anywhere she can get an internet connection. Felicity will be back in Portland, Oregon for a few months beginning the end of  January.

Toby is still enjoying Notre Dame football as he is living in South Bend, Indiana. He is working a couple of jobs including refereeing summer softball leagues. We don’t hear from him often but he seems to be satisfied with life so far, other than the lack of a steady girlfriend.

The Lot:

We continued cleaning up our recreational lot located in Colorado’s Park County, right in the middle of the state. It was determined, before the snow melted, we could not afford to put in a [very deep] well on this property, which means it will always be recreational land only. A late spring cost us some weekends; we didn’t get started on any real work until June. More gravel was added to the driveway, an off-driveway parking spot was cleared, many loads of scrap wood taken to the burn pit, and several loads of firewood were taken home, cut to length, and donated to our animal rescue friend Kathy Hall. (Kathy re-married this year and is now Kathy Powers.) I was finally able to mouse-proof the RV trailer, purchased a honey wagon kit so I did not have to pull the trailer to a dump station, and we cleaned up the area Pam has taken to calling The Nook. A pole saw, purchased at auction, allowed me to prune dead and low-hanging limbs from quite a few trees; that work will continue into the future.

First load of burn pit wood, 2015

First load of burn pit wood, 2015


Pam had bursitis in her hip; this slowed her down for several weeks  over the summer and she occasionally still feels a twinge from time to time. It’s not fun when your body doesn’t do what you want it to. I finished one year with my type-2 diabetes, diagnosed in December of 2014, and have adjusted to a diet much lower in sugars and salt than I had been accustomed to. I miss my ice-cream!


Our good friend of almost 35 years, Elinor Tourtillott, passed away in 2015. She was in her 90s and had been in poor health for a while, but her spirit remained unbroken. She will be missed. My Aunt Gert and Uncle Emil (relatives on my mother’s side) also died in 2015. Our feline buddy, Soot, crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge just as 2015 ended.


2015 was a quiet travel year. I took a trip to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in mid-July to attend a motorcycle rally and used the return trip to stop and visit my mother for a few days. I managed to visit Pam’s brother Craig (who retired in 2015) and his wife Dianne at their new lake-front retirement home which was still getting a few finishing touches during my visit. I have an aunt and uncle that live in the same general area and was able to stop and see them for a few hours before heading back to Colorado. The trip was a good one for both family visits and seeing new country.

Brockway Mountain overlooks Copper Harbor and Lake Superior

Brockway Mountain overlooks Copper Harbor and Lake Superior in Michigan’s UP

We continue to take day trips around Colorado checking out potential properties that would work for us in retirement. This has resulted in learning some local history and seeing parts of the state that are still new to us, something we both enjoy. The retirement home search continues into 2016.

ATV trips:

A few were made this year: North Twin Cone Peak, Hall Valley, Lead King Basin, and Handcart Gulch being the most notable. The Handcart Gulch trip include a run up Forest Road 290, a scenic and less-traveled trail complete with old mines and some equipment that survived the scrap steel drives of WWII.

Old mine at end of FR 290

Old mine at end of FR 290


In December we bought a 2004 Toyota RAV4 as a daily driver; the 2001 Honda Accord developed transmission problems at 384,000+ miles and is no longer reliable for daily use. A new home-built utility trailer joined the fleet and was used to haul firewood + my motorcycle, and will see future use as a cistern trailer. The John Deere LX176 garden tractor was updated for snow removal chores with the addition of extra weights and chains. I put my old reel-to-reel deck back in service as part of my garage stereo system. Pam began learning to play guitar, which was her 2014 Christmas present. A new stove replaced the home’s original stove; the new stove is quite an improvement. A generator, after repair, provided power at The Lot for the RV and power tools.

Generac 4000XL generator, now running

Generac 4000XL generator


2015 was pretty typical for us. We worked on our lot and around the home, dealt  with a few medical episodes, did some traveling around the state, had some good times and shed a few tears. We are looking forward to 2016; after all, the numbers 2+0+1+6 add up to 9, one of Pam’s lucky numbers! (We didn’t win the PowerBall, though.)

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

New Year Resolutions –

  • broaden the retirement house search (including examination of outside-the-box ideas) while continuing to save money for the down payment,
  • begin investigation of on-line employment sites (some require a monthly subscription fee) for potential part-time employment into retirement,
  • start composing a draft of my own obituary (Fields says he hasn’t a clue what to include, I want to make sure the fact I ever lived in De Beque is definitely not in there).

Happy Trails.

Happy New Year – R.I.P. Soot

We hope everyone made it through the Christmas season OK and that you are looking forward to a good 2016.

It is with sadness we note the passing of one of our De Beque-born house cats, Soot. He had not been feeling well Christmas week and Pam took him to be examined/observed by the vet. To make a long story short, Soot was suffering from invasive cancer that could not be remedied with surgery; the “no brainer” decision to euthanize was made during the surgical procedure. Soot will be frozen for now, to be buried later in his “native sod” this spring.

While not popular with the other cats – being something of a bully at times – Soot was very personable with humans and liked to spend time sitting on my lap. His longer than normal tail was carried in a crook and occasionally showed up under the bathroom door when we were in there in the mornings. He will be missed.

Soot on Jerry's lap

Soot on Jerry’s lap

We received about 8 inches of snow between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; clearing this White Christmas kept me busy for a few hours and gave me the chance to play with my Troy-Bilt snow blower and John Deere LX186 lawn tractor; the later is fitted with a snow blade, suitcase weights, and tire chains. Otherwise the days have been quiet, frigid, and calm.

Blade and blower both come in handy for snow removal

Blade and blower both come in handy for snow removal

On New Year’s Day we took down our outside decorations and put them away. Pam had removed the inside stuff during the week (CMC closes the week between Christmas and New Year, so she was home). We are pretty much done with holiday decorations. Unlike our neighbors, many of whom will have their sad outdoor decorations up until Valentines Day (or Easter),  Pam insists we maintain some discipline in promptly packing ours away.

The spare tire cover arrived for the Toyota RAV4, along with a replacement jack; both were installed as part of my effort to get the car in top-notch condition. I also bought a LeBra for the Toyota (in black, no purple front bumper after all) but have to wait until warmer weather to install it. Later this weekend I will change the oil and oil filter along with the cabin (air conditioning) filter and that will about wrap up all the routine maintenance tasks that needed to be done at present; we will be comfortable knowing all maintenance is up-to-date. A total fluids/belts run-through will occur at the mechanic sometime this spring.

New spare tire cover on the RAV4

New spare tire cover on the RAV4

While deleting Soot from the blog, I also added KitKat to the Cats blog page along with a short description of her, and Pam made a few changes in the commentary. Check it out!

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

With as many cats as we have around here, it seems odd to miss one.  But, being the OCD person I am, I always count the animals during the day to see where everyone is.  Some one is missing.  Soot was only five years old; I’m not used to having cancer-filled animals at that young age.  The vet and I had a conversation about how my rescue population is aging and that we will likely be repeating the Soot scenario in the coming years. It’s a bummer to contemplate.

Fields isn’t going to do his “Year In Review” until a future post, I will include my 2016 resolutions then. (I just know everybody is waiting expectantly for both!)

Happy Trails.

Christmas Eve 2015

Cards have been sent (and some received), a few presents wrapped, tree has been decorated, and we are off for a few days of vacation. I know, I know, it has been a bit since I last posted; here is a review of activities since then.

First of all, we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and may the New Year be a good one for you. (I’ll have a recap of our 2015 in my New Years post coming up in a couple weeks.) Please click on the link below to view our 2015 Christmas E-card! (Some of you have viewed it already separately).

Christmas Visitors

We decorated our small tree, which is in the bedroom to keep it safe from the cats and dogs, and finished other house decorations. Pam will be baking cookies later today (oatmeal raisin, one of the healthier cookies for folks watching sugar intake) and altogether it will be a quiet holiday for us here at home. Just as well; the weather is supposed to get nasty later today, followed by an even nastier cold spell.

Christmas Tree 2015

Christmas Tree 2015

On the agenda – house search: We did get out to view a couple of houses yesterday, one of which is an “earth-berm” design where the back of the house is built into a hillside. This should make the house more energy efficient, but we were not impressed with the general design of the house. Located at the top of a ridge, this property enjoyed excellent mountain views, but required repairs and renovations both interior and exterior.

Front of earth-berm house

Front of earth-berm house

Jerry examines attached garage

Jerry examines attached garage

Pam walks the dogs around the back side of earth-berm house

Pam walks the dogs around the back side of earth-berm house

The second place we looked at, near Ouray, was more cabin-like (our usual style) with a large wrap-around porch — but– with lots of steps both outside and inside.

Jerry on Chipmunk Place cabin's steps

Jerry on Chipmunk Place cabin’s steps

Lots of steps on Chipmunk Place cabin

Lots of steps on Chipmunk Place cabin

So, the retirement house search continues for “the one.” It is fun looking at the variety of homes in our price range, we learn something about the different areas each time we actually go out “into the field” and look at properties (as opposed to just looking at photos online).

Back home again, Pam took this picture of me with London (the white cat,) Jo the dog, and Sunny (the tabby on the floor) as I tried to relax on our glider. It seems anytime I sit down I accumulate a couple of pets!


Jerry with a few of our pets

I’ve been working on a few projects around the place to keep busy during my vacation time. One project included putting chains on the John Deere lawn tractor; we are expecting 3 – 6 inches in the next 48 hours and I use the JD to clean off our drive and sidewalks (gave it a trial run after a 2 inch snowfall this past Monday).

Another project was to add a reel-to-reel deck to my garage stereo system. I had purchased the deck at a yard sale some time ago and stored it in the garage attic. After getting a few tapes from eBay and finding a spare set of hook-up cables I finally put the deck in service.

Reel-to-reel deck now in service in my garage stereo system

Reel-to-reel deck now in service in my garage stereo system

You can hear the deck in operation by viewing this 1:37 movie clip:

[cincopa AAOAqLtH7OCl]

Other projects included putting rear brake pads in the Toyota RAV4; a check-up done by our favorite repair shop gave the “new” ride a clean bill of health but noted the rear pads were pretty thin and recommended replacement. So far the RAV4 is working out pretty well for us, but there are still a few service items to tackle such as changing the cabin and air filters, oil and filter, and installing the spare tire cover when it arrives. Nothing major and all routine stuff that I can do on a weekend.  We loaded the dogs into the back of the RAV4 for the property trip yesterday, still a few space allocation bugs to work out there too.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Two Cents Worth:

Spent an ideal Christmas Eve morning – in my pj’s until noon, drinking hot chocolate, listening to Christmas music.  I have two books to pick up and read later today (“Lights Out” by Ted Koppel and “Goddesses Never Age” by Christiane Northrup).  Great way to ease into the day.

I’ll be working on my 2016 New Year’s resolutions for the next post.  (I think you can guess finding “the” retirement house will be high on that list.) I did great on my resolutions for this year – learn to play simple chords on the guitar, read more books, drink more wine.

Happy Trails and Happy Holidays.

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