During these quiet days of transition between not-quite-winter and not-quite-spring, smaller elements make up the bulk of our daily activities. Here is a run-down on a few small happenings in our life this past week.
Work: I am still without an assistant. The one guy who made it past the in-person and group interview (oral boards) washed out in the background check. The search continues but I don’t have high hopes of finding a qualified candidate anytime soon.
House: The front door lockset decided to quit on us and would no longer keep the door closed. (The plunger that goes between the door and the door frame quit working.) This required a replacement lockset be installed, not a big deal at about $35.00 with extra keys, but we had to prop the door closed with a rock (wrapped in an old towel) for a day until I could buy and install a new lockset. Four keys are required; one for each of us, one as a hidden spare in case we lock ourselves out, and one for the neighbor who takes care of the dogs (lets them out for exercise) when we are both at work.
Pam has taken to buying a few fresh flowers and putting them in our main bathroom, which keeps them out of the way of the cats and dogs. The bouquet has a great aroma and reminds her that spring is just around the corner.
House Hunt: Not much new. We haven’t visited a property in several weeks and not much on the market is appealing. The search continues. FYI: The total fixer-upper Pam identified in Cascade (mentioned last post) has an offer on it, probably by some Colorado Springs “flipper” who can afford the renovation. (Whew – dodged a bullet there. Pam had that look in her eye on the Cascade property.)
Recreation: I have been out with my ATV riding locally in Wild Horse Mesa. The roads have dried out quite a bit in recent weeks so are no longer just muddy trails.
It’s good to be able to get outside for a few hours; weather for the next few days indicates below freezing at night but into the 40s and 50s during the day. Tulip leaves are popping up near our fence line and grass is beginning to green out so spring will be here shortly, I hope! We did have snow during the week, enough to justify getting out the John Deere lawn tractor and using the snow blade to clear the driveway and sidewalks; I expect more snow yet before spring truly arrives, not time to take off the snow blade just yet.
On a sad note, a co-worker who had the office across from me and with whom I had worked for the last 3+ years died suddenly Monday of a heart attack. He was 67 and his wife had just retired on February 9th. Ken was a good friend and I will miss him around the workplace. Reflecting on Ken’s passing has strengthened my resolve to retire and not work until I die. Not sure how that is going to be managed just yet!
Not all creatures are feeling any stress, though:
That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!
Pam’s Five Cents Worth:
Must be getting closer to spring in this backwater – the whiff of fresh skunk is on the air of a morning. M-mm-mm.
Regarding retirement, I am pondering Plan B, since Plan A (Colorado retirement house) in now 1.5 years along and not going anywhere. If you know me at all, you know I am all about Plan B (and C, D, E … if needed).
Plan B – If Fields and I use the [considerable] down payment we have saved and apply it toward a few things (like paying off the Sanderling property, refinancing the De Beque house, replacing the aging Honda), our monthly payments would be reduced to a point where I could probably semi-retire within a year. Yes! Very attractive. But then we would be trapped into staying in the De Beque property into retirement. No! Not attractive.
Plan C – We have discussed on-and-off the viability of finding a winter retirement spot in Oregon. The winters are milder there, and I have a desire to be able to travel to the ocean occasionally. Felicity has mentioned wanting to buy a tiny house in Oregon – but – is having difficulty finding a place to park it (near public transportation). This plan could possibly address both needs. (Oregon, by the way, is pretty much the tiny house manufacturing center on the planet.)
Such is my dilemma. Of the options presenting themselves, which way to go? Stay tuned.
Happy Trails.
To all –
Fields is on a “driving adventure” to Amarillo, Texas the next few days. There he is scheduled to purchase, pick up and return with a chipper/shredder (after being the successful high bidder in an on-line auction).
Watch this space for photos and narrative to come. You can hardly wait, right?