It’s hard to believe it has been a couple weeks since my last post. It seems like I need to catch up —again!
There is not much going on with the retirement house hunt. Since our last offer was rejected we have not really looked at any more properties, but Pam is putting together a new list of “possibles” – we will drive past and take a look. If any are promising we’ll contact our realtor and schedule an in-depth tour.
Our weekends have been very busy; the last two have been spent at The Lot continuing with our clean-up of Birdhouse Ridge. That task is very nearly completed; I have some firewood stacked up and ready to bring home, everything else is done. It is so nice to be able to walk around the Ridge without fear of tripping over fallen trees and all the standing stuff is nice and green. It takes a lot of work and that helps us enjoy the finished product even more.
Not content to sit around…we opened up a path to a new area to be cleaned out over the next few years. Access to this spot is adjacent to the area we call The Nook, uphill and to the right as you look out the RV trailer. We can see this area from where The Box sits so picking it as the next clean-up area is in keeping within our “line of sight” priorities. Slash was staged at this location one weekend; I then drove up solo last weekend and hauled out 4 loads of non-salvagable wood to the burn pit, then loaded up a trailer full of wood to be cut into firewood. It was a busy weekend!
I bought a new generator so I was able to run the Honey Wagon equipment and empty The Box’s holding tanks. Other chores including replenishing the RV fresh water supply (hand-pumping 28 gallons of water) and sharpening my chain saw chain. There are always housekeeping chores to get done and having the new generator let me do some delayed chores. We should now be good through the rest of the summer. Pam had relocated a few pine saplings (needed to be moved when clearing the path to the new clean-up area) so I watered the tree transplants as well. Last but not least, hummingbird nectar for the feeder.
Below are some photos (and one video) taken over the last couple weeks. The video was shot from the top of The Box…Pam’s idea…to show what Sanderling looks like in a 360 degree sweep. The clip has some lens flare – not the best quality – but I hope you take a moment to let it play.
[cincopa AMKAEq9k8Wf7]
So…it has been a busy couple of weeks, a state of affairs that will continue for the rest of the summer. Don’t be surprised if I don’t have a new post for another couple of weeks.
That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!
Pam’s Two Cents Worth:
Next month we celebrate four years since we purchased Sanderling. It’s always amazing to me how much dead wood and slash is taken out of each area we identify – loads and loads and loads hauled off the forest floor and to the burn pit. (Even more if Fields has to cut down standing dead trees.) The task seems almost endless, so it is a real pleasure to clear an area like Birdhouse Ridge and enjoy walking freely over that path, without impediment. No small accomplishment.
Happy Trails.
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